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  • Mathilde

From Expat Child to Expat Wife How it all began.

In the beginning, my life was a passport-stamped canvas, painted with the hues of multinational landscapes. As the child of a father working for a multinational, each relocation was not just a move but a new chapter of discovery. From bustling cityscapes to tranquil corners of the globe, my formative years were an adventure in themselves.

Fast forward to meeting my husband—the catalyst for a new expedition. Together, we embraced the nomadic lifestyle, shaping our family into a band of modern-day explorers. With each job assignment came a new city, a fresh culture to immerse ourselves in.

Our children, born into this tapestry of diversity, became the true globetrotters, effortlessly adapting to new languages, customs, and playgrounds around the world.

As our family grew, so did our collection of memories: from weekend getaways to exotic vacations, our journey etched in snapshots of laughter, learning, and shared experiences. The dinner table transformed into a global feast, each meal a homage to the flavors we'd encountered on our travels.

Yet, this journey isn't just about the places we've been; it's about the people we've become. The lessons of resilience, the art of making friends in every timezone, the ability to find 'home' wherever our hearts roamed—these are the intangible souvenirs we carry.

So, from a childhood enriched by the tapestry of global experiences to a family unit that finds joy in the nomadic rhythm of life, this is our story. A story of growth, connection, and the perpetual thrill of the next destination. Welcome to our world, where every journey is a celebration, and every chapter is a Golden Escape.

Being an expat child and now an expat wife is an adventure in itself.

As traveling the world comes to me with a certain normality, I will try to explain the pro's and con's underneath to help you understand and maybe help you to making a difficult decision for the future, not so difficult.

Growing up with exposure to different cultures and languages creates a unique perspective on life. It instills a sense of wanderlust, shaping one's worldview, and urging them to explore the world further. This prompted me to become an expat wife, as I loved this way of life as a child, but now embracing new adventures and cultures with my partner. I always joke when we are on the move again: "no problem, I will get my check list".

Key Takeaways:

  • Being an expat child creates a unique perspective on life.

  • Exposure to different cultures fosters a sense of wanderlust.

  • Becoming an expat wife has its challenges and benefits.

  • A supportive expat community is essential to navigating life abroad.

  • Cultivating cultural understanding and adaptability is crucial to succeed abroad.

Growing Up as an Expat Child

Being an expat child is a unique experience that shapes an individual's worldview. It involves growing up in a foreign country and adapting to different cultures, traditions, and languages. Despite its challenges, being an expat child provides an opportunity for personal growth and intellectual development.

An expat child has the chance to broaden their horizons and explore the world through travel. They learn to appreciate diverse perspectives and embrace the differences that make each culture unique. This exposure to different ways of life instills a sense of open-mindedness and empathy within individuals, allowing them to communicate effectively with people from all walks of life.

The experience of growing up as an expat child can also be challenging. It involves leaving behind close friends and family members every few years, adapting to new schools and adjusting to different educational systems. However, these challenges teach an individual to be resilient and adaptable, skills that are valuable throughout their lives.

All in all, growing up as an expat child is an experience that enriches an individual's life in many ways. It broadens their horizons, encourages adaptability, and instills a sense of appreciation for diversity. It is an experience that shapes individuals into empathetic, open-minded, and culturally sensitive people.

Developing a Sense of Wanderlust

Being an expat child introduced me to a world of different cultures, languages, and experiences. Growing up in such diversity fostered a unique sense of curiosity and adventure within me. I found myself yearning to explore every corner of the world, fascinated by the beauty and wonder that lay beyond my current horizon. This sense of wanderlust played a significant role in my decision to become an expat wife.

As an expat child, I was continually exposed to new cultures, customs, and ways of life, igniting a love for the global community and a deep appreciation for diversity. I discovered that the world was full of endless possibilities, and there was always something new to learn and discover. With each new place I visited, each new person I met, and each new experience I had, my sense of wanderlust only grew stronger.

Through my travels and experiences, I have learned that the world is an incredibly vast and beautiful place, and there is so much to see and experience. My desire to continue exploring and discovering new places and cultures is a driving force in my life, and I am grateful for the opportunities that being an expat wife has provided me in pursuing this passion.

“To travel is to live.” - Hans Christian Andersen

Embracing the Role of an Expat Wife

Transitioning from being an expat child to becoming an expat wife can be both exciting and challenging. As an expat wife, one must support their spouse in their global adventures while also maintaining their own identity and pursuing their passions.

It's important to remember that being an expat wife does not mean sacrificing one's own personal fulfillment. In fact, it's an opportunity to further develop one's skills and experiences in a new cultural context. By embracing the role of an expat wife, individuals have the chance to expand their horizons and network while also gaining a new perspective on global living.

Building a support system is crucial when adjusting to a new country as an expat wife. Creating friendships with fellow expat wives and members of the local community can provide a sense of belonging and make the transition smoother.

Everyone smiles in the same language. – George Carlin

Navigating Life

Being an expat wife poses both advantages and challenges. One of the benefits of being married to someone from your home country is having a shared culture, language, and support system that makes the adjustment to a foreign country easier. It can be reassuring to have familiar foods, holidays, and traditions that remind you of home.

However, it can also lead to complacency and isolation. It's essential to break out of your comfort zone and immerse yourself in the local culture, build relationships with people from different backgrounds, and experience new things. This can help you grow as a person and expand your worldview.



Shared language and culture

Easy communication with locals

Quick adjustment to new country


Reduced exposure to cultural differences

Isolation from other expats and locals

While navigating life with a partner of the same nationality can have its difficulties, it's crucial to strike a balance between maintaining your identity and embracing new experiences. With an open mind and willingness to step outside of your comfort zone, you can make the most of your expat adventure and broaden your horizons.

Building a Supportive Expat Community

As an expat wife, building a supportive community is essential to thriving in a foreign country. Coordinating with others who understand the unique challenges of expat life can be a powerful source of emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of belonging. By collaborating with other expats in your area, you can create a nurturing social network that provides critical support and enhances your overall experience as a global citizen.

Expats can form community groups based on shared interests and backgrounds, such as language, culture, common professions or hobbies, or even diversity and inclusion. These groups offer fantastic opportunities to connect with like-minded people, exchange perspectives, and share experiences. In addition, sharing information regarding schools, healthcare providers, housing options, and visa regulations can be helpful for smoothing the transition, especially during the early stages of expat life.

Being a part of an expat community can provide a safety net for overcoming homesickness or culture shock. The support and understanding from others in a similar situation can bring much-needed comfort, confidentiality, and internal harmony. Utilizing social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn can also be advantageous for connecting with other expats in the same location.

In summary, forming and maintaining an expat community provides an essential support system for navigating unfamiliar territory. By establishing connections with other expats, you can enhance your overall experience, create a sense of security and belonging, and gain a nuanced understanding of the culture and lifestyle of your new country.

Balancing Career and Family as an Expat Wife

As an expat wife, achieving a balance between career aspirations and family commitments can be a complex challenge. This is because it requires juggling multiple roles, such as a professional, housewife, and mother, while adapting to a new environment.

One way to achieve this delicate balance is by prioritizing tasks and setting realistic goals. This requires clarity not just on what must be done but also on how to do it efficiently while factoring in family responsibilities and cultural differences. Communicating with employers and family members about expectations and boundaries can also help.

Another factor to consider is childcare. Outsourcing childcare can be expensive, but a supportive expat community can provide a safe and cost-effective solution. In some cases, employers may also offer childcare services as part of their employee benefits package.



  • Opportunities for professional growth and development

  • Financial independence

  • Overwhelming balancing act

  • Difficulties in finding flexible work arrangements

Ultimately, achieving a balance between career aspirations and family commitments as an expat wife requires planning, adaptation, effective communication, and finding the right support network. Achieving this balance can result in personal growth, a sense of fulfillment, and a stronger family foundation.

Embracing Adventure and Overcoming Homesickness

Being an expat wife means embracing adventure and all the opportunities that come with living a global life. But, at times, you may find yourself feeling homesick and missing the familiar comforts of home.

It's important to acknowledge these feelings and find ways to cope with them. Embrace the adventure by exploring new places, meeting new people, and trying new things. Step out of your comfort zone and push yourself to grow and thrive in your new environment.

Cultivating Cultural Understanding and Adaptability

As an expat wife, one of the most critical skills you can cultivate is cultural understanding and adaptability. It's essential to approach each new environment with an open mind and a willingness to learn about the local culture. This mindset fosters a deeper appreciation for diversity, which in turn helps to build stronger connections with the local community and other expats.

Adaptability is another crucial skill to cultivate as an expat wife. Living abroad requires flexibility, resilience, and the ability to adapt quickly to new environments. Rather than resisting change, try to embrace it and enjoy the unique experiences that come with living a global life.

Building cultural understanding and adaptability takes time, but there are many ways to get started. Consider taking language classes or exploring local museums and cultural events. Talk to locals and other expats about their experiences and perspectives, and seek out opportunities to volunteer or get involved in the community.

Remember that building cultural understanding and adaptability is a lifelong process. It requires a willingness to learn, grow, and adapt to new environments continually. By cultivating these skills, you will not only enhance your experience as an expat wife but also develop valuable personal and professional skills that will benefit you no matter where life takes you.


Living a global life as both an expat child and an expat wife is a unique and exciting adventure. It comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities for personal growth, cultural understanding, and adaptability.

As I have explored in this article, growing up as an expat child fosters a sense of wanderlust and curiosity that can lead to embracing the role of an expat wife. While navigating life in a foreign country, building a supportive expat community is essential in maintaining a strong sense of identity and belonging. Balancing career aspirations and family commitments requires careful planning and flexibility, and embracing the adventure and overcoming homesickness is all part of the journey.

Ultimately, cultivating cultural understanding and adaptability is crucial in successfully navigating different cultures and fostering deeper appreciation for diversity. And while the journey may not always be easy, the rewards of living a global life and embracing new adventures are immeasurable.

In conclusion, being an expat child turned expat wife is a testament to the love for a global life and the excitement of embracing new adventures. It requires openness, flexibility, and a sense of adventure, and the result is a life full of enriching experiences, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.

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